Paragraph Outline

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Trayvon Martin Paragraph 1: What happened: Paragraph 2: Media Coverage … Article explains that America is still racist and can be seen everyday. Even though Obama is prez we still have flaws. Black writer still feels this everyday using examples from his own life. Race is that ever-present ghost that haunts America, even through our politics. … Talking about how twitter erupted and how many people were echoing the same statements that this was unfair. Used many quotes and tweets from people around the world. Also gave exaplmes of how some people thought the case was correct. Weak case against Zimmerman led the jurors to the right call. Interviewed huge political leaders like Al Sharpton who voiced their opposition of the case.…show more content…
Segements on covering Trayvon Martin on Cables News between Feb-March: CNN 43, MSNBC, 13, FOX 1. … Talks about how the story poliarzied the nation and put two different communities against each other, Paragraph
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