Paley's Teleological Argument Analysis

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Explain Paley’s Teleological Argument (AO1 25marks) Firstly, Telos is the Greek word for end or result of some course of action. Therefore, The Teleological Argument looks to demonstrate the existence of God by looking at the universe and trying to demonstrate that is has been designed for some reason or purpose. Evidence of design within the universe leads to the question, if the universe has been designed, who or what designed it? Furthermore, The Teleological Argument aims to demonstrate that the designer of the universe is God. The Teleological Argument is also an example of an a posteriori argument which means that it’s a synthetic argument that reaches conclusions based on evidence observed. As well as this, The Teleological Argument can also be referred to as the design argument. The Teleological Argument based on qua purpose is written by Paley and aims to demonstrate that the universe must have been created for a purpose. As well as this, its states that everything in the universe has a purpose for example: the purpose of a seed is to grow into a flower. Therefore, The Teleological Argument based on qua regularity suggests that, the universe is so complicated that it can’t have been created by mistake surely something must have created…show more content…
According to Paley the analogy of the watch links to the universe because, Paley argued that just as the watch being designed necessitates a designer to explain why it exists, so all of nature requires a much greater designer. Paley pointed out that the complexity of nature is far greater than any machine human beings can make. Therefore the whole of nature requires a grand designer. That grand designer can only be God. In other words this is trying to say that, the ability to create the universe is complex therefore something beyond human knowledge something that is transcendent can only create the universe and that something is
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