Pain Management in Older Adult with Cognitive Impairment.

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Pain management in older adult with cognitive impairment. This essay will identify the psychological and sociological paradigm in relation Pain management in older adult. I will examine the therapeutic interventions and provision of physical health care in relation to management of pain in older adult. In this essay I will recognize and reflect on the roles, influence and responsibilities of the mental health nurse in the contest of working in partnership across the organizational and professional boundaries. I will also relate my chosen topic to the care planning approach and the Psychosocial, physiological assessment procedure for older adult pain management. My rationale for choosing this topic is as a result of my experience during clinical placement in the older adult unit. I observed that most the older adult resident suffers from different variety of pain.. I was involved in the care of an elderly resident with severe dementia and impaired cognitive skills and unable to communicate his needs verbally. After one week of admission into the ward the client who has been cooperative and stable in mental state suddenly became aggressive, hitting staff and insomnia. Despite several investigation and assessment by the medical team the reason for the sudden change in presentation was not found. The breakthrough came when the next of kin was invited to the ward round and he informed the medical team that the client presentation usually changes from being aggressive when he is experiencing pain due to toothache. The client was referred to the dentist for check up and it was discovered that one of the teeth is infected causing him pain. After the toothache was treated the client presentation became settled and manageable and no aggressive behavior observed. I decided to do further research on pain management in older adult. On reflecting on this experience

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