P4 - Health and Social Care - Level 3

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Explain two theories of ageing Ageing is the process of growing old, which can be identified with the physical and mental characteristics of old age. Ageing most commonly happens within the life stage of older adulthood. There are a wide range of physical effects on ageing. These include hearing impairment, a loss of muscle strength, coordination, mobility, agility and flexibility. This report will be discussing two theories of ageing and how these two theories affect ageing as a whole. The two theories of ageing are the disengagement and activity theory. The disengagement theory was created by William Henry and Elaine Cumming in the year 1961. This theory argues that as people age they withdraw and be less involved with people or activities due to ill health or decreased social opportunities. The theory also states that within later adulthood, death can become more prevalent. An example of this is retirement as older people who have retired may lose contact with work colleagues and will have less social contact than before. A case study of John Smith links to this point. John is 85 years old and has lost his wife, two months ago. As a consequence it has been notices that John does not talk much and likes to stay indoors. John moved into smaller house because the previous house was too big for John to maintain on his own. As a result John has not got a landline at home. Moreover he does not know how to use a mobile phone or the internet. Since John moved he lives further away from his friends and family and does not have many roles to fulfil such as, babysitting his grandchildren or holding small social gatherings for friends and families. John’s case relates to the disengagement theory because people may retire to quieter areas which may mean they are further away from their relatives. This shows that they would not have contact with their relatives because they

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