Our Relationship With Nature.

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Catherine Karst WMNS 396 20-page research paper 4-3-2011 The Use and Abuse of Nature: Through History and in Nature Writing The natural world is an endless structure with numerous relationships and connections that intermingle eternally. Each part plays a significant role in the ecosystem. However, as a species, we have naively disconnected ourselves from the ecology of life and have never fully credited our interdependence with nature. We are acting in ignorance to this whole and we are only beginning to feel the repercussions. Humans have gone from purely learning from nature and using it for vital material needs to abusing and destroying nature. This progression or increasing degradation rather, has become a huge issue for environmentalists, activists, and countless people world-wide. Nevertheless, our species still continues to misuse and overuse our scarce resources. Great concern and anger is becoming increasingly visible in all aspects of our culture from artistic expressions, to the creation of environmental government agencies. In nature writing specifically, there has been a gradual increase in the presence of this issue. Current authors not only share stories of these horrible occurrences of abuse but some hold our species fully responsible for this destruction of mother earth (and rightfully so). This paper will highlight the different ways humans interact with nature by categorizing the different types of relationships into educational purposes, responsible use, and the abuse of nature. In doing so, we will explore the progression of mankind’s relationship to nature throughout time. Finally, we will look at the increasing presence of this subject in nature writing and how the authors’ voices and opinions about this subject have changed. MANKIND’S RELATION TO NATURE BY CATEGORY Educational Purposes The line between the use of nature
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