Our Reality Is Always Changing

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Our Reality is always changing One might describe reality to be that of a still landscape, a plateau of images which a person might perceive. In fact life is not nearly so still, reality being better depicted as a body of water with oils mixed in. A fluid picture with the capacity to flow and endlessly change. Or perhaps it is not the picture that changes but our perception of it. Nevertheless, the point can be made that our reality like the body of water, is always changing both psychologically and physically. As conditions of living change which they do constantly, it affects the way people see things. For example, in post WW1 Germany, things had taken a turn for the worse. Their economy had been reduced to virtually nothing, a suitcase of their currency was barely enough to buy a bar of soap. The people of Germany faced the harsh reality that life may never end up like it once was, a forerunner in the arts, sciences etc. (end of thinking capacity) but within 3 decades, a man called Hitler managed to turn things around, bring Germany back to a state of pride, so much so that they started believing that they the Aryans were a superior race to all others, a vast difference from the once impoverished world they once lived in evidencing the great change that had taken place. The situation is not unlike one portrayed by George Orwell, who in his novel “Animal Farm” showed a world where the downtrodden animals of the farm are abused, knowing of no other reality than the butcher’s knife and hard work. However, soon after, the animals rebel from their human masters and free themselves. Paying special attention to the pigs of the farm, it could be compared to that of WW1-WW2 Germany. The pigs were once a miserable lot like other animals, however, one pig, Napoleon, the pigs ‘Hitler’ gave them status and with it the idea that they were superior to other animals
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