Our Commitment to Freedom of Speech

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Westboro Baptist Church provides the ultimate test of our commitment to freedom of speech. It isn't far-fetched to argue that how we treat the most intolerable people in our midst is a good measure of how much we value American freedom. If we persecute such folks and curtail their fundamental rights under the constitution, we are merely opening ourselves to judgement by the same measure. That's notable by the judge's appearance with a visibly miserable facial expression and a clothespin on her nose to keep her from enduring an unpleasant aroma. The symbolism of a skunk making a big stink is more of a disturbance than a first amendment right to protest. There is a law against harassment and there is a law against creating a public nuisance. It is my knowledge that the protests are still apart of our fundamental right to practice freedom of speech and religion. If they feel they need to carry out protests, they do it peacefully. Following the graphic's example of limiting offensive speech and not preserving the rights the constitution guarantees is an extremely dangerous move. The cartoon singles out the Westboro Baptist Church as the problem. Uphold a minor curtailment of freedom to protest offensively and a torrent of oppression will come rushing in. It's a slippery slope. While we don't agree with what other say, what we believe is morally right someone else can still disagree. At some point or another, the 1st amendment would become a meaningless statement and would likely end up abolished. I oppose this cartoon's example of a justice system, because it doesn't assure freedom of religion. Depicting them as a skunk is childish and anything of that sort is inappropriate in a court of law. If you put aside the smell the skunk gives, they are really doing nothing more than simply expressing their feelings. To this day, the constitution hasn't prohibited that
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