Operations Management - Location

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Week Six Discussion Questions: 1: Discuss and show how the terms job enlargement, job enrichment, and job rotation are different? Practices such as job enlargement, job enrichment, and job rotation are used to stimulate and empower employees. Job enlargement is giving the employee more tasks, but not more responsibility. The advantages of job enlargement are reduced monotony, increased work flexibility, cost effective, possibly improves employees earning capacity, and may improve job enjoyment. Some disadvantages are unwillingness or exploitation of workers. Job enrichment is the opposite of job enlargement in that it maintains the same employee tasks, but increases employee responsibility. The advantages of job enrichment are makes job for interesting or challenging, helps to identify future managers, identifies higher needs of employees and may reduce workload of superiors. Some disadvantages with job enrichment are that some employees are uncomfortable making important decisions, can causes ego problems or resentment from other employees and employees may make the wrong decisions. Job rotation is very different from job enlargement or job enrichment. Job rotation is the intentional rotation of an employee’s job assignment between two or more at specified intervals. The advantages of job rotation are reduced monotony, succession planning, finding better employee job fit, developing a wider range of work experience, exposing employees to different aspects of the company and better test the skills of employee’s competencies. Although, all three (job enlargement, job enrichment and job rotation) are very different some of the advantages and disadvantages are similar. 2. What community factors influence location decisions for companies? The key factors really depend a lot of what type of business the company is in. A service business needs will vary
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