On the Sidewalk Bleeding

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Describe a memorable event in a text. Explain how this event was made memorable. A memorable event in the short story ‘On the sidewalk bleeding’ by Evan Hunter, was when Andy took off his Royals jacket. This was very memorable because it showed a change in the way Andy saw himself, and this became a turning point in the story. Even through his pain, Andy still wanted to take off his Royals jacket, and this shows how important this event was for him. This event showed the main theme of the story, which was Andy’s lost identity and potential. The story begins off with Andy as an anonymous 16yr old that had just been stabbed. He lay in a dark alley, not knowing that he was dying. Andy had heard his attackers shout: “That’s for you, Royal!” and then the sound of footsteps hurrying into the rain. His attackers had not known whether or not Andy was a good or bad person, all they knew was that he was a Royal. Andy doesn’t realise that the decision he made to join the Royals, was a mistake that would cost him his life. Andy had felt so proud of being a part of the Royals and he had felt that ‘there had been meaning to the title’. As he lay on the sidewalk bleeding, he collected his thoughts and the reader is able to follow him in his thoughts, and how he slowly realises that the gang was useless to him and that he just wanted to be himself, an individual. When Andy is stabbed, all he was seen as was a Royal. The rest of the world didn’t know that he was Andy. He was alone, and wet and he was dying. Andy’s inadequacy to see his own identity disappear proved to be fatal for him. If Andy had realized that he was no longer “Andy” he may have left the gang and this would have saved his life. It takes a long time for Andy to realise this and when he does, it fills him up with sadness. His life would be over at 16, and it had been wasted to a title that he had not known
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