Older Clients Case Study

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HLTEN515B Implement and monitor nursing care for older clients AS3 – Short answer questions Student Name: Chantel Goulding Student Number: 0104328012 1. Define functional and chronological ageing and discuss how this relates to the older person. Functional age is a combination of observable individual attributes such as mental capacity, physical appearance, mobility and strength which is used to assign people to age categories. Functional ageing can create negative stereotypes towards the aging and the aged, this is known as ageism. Chronological Age is based on a person’s date of birth. (GCIT, 2012a) For example two people may have he same chronological age but a different functional because one might be healthier and physically fitter. In relation to the older client it means that they may not be able to function in the same way based on their chronological age. (Crisp & Taylor, 2009) 2. Define the “age stratification theory”, and discuss the relevance of this theory to the older person. The age stratification theory is the underlying scheme that groups people into social categories; ranking people based of age, wealth, gender and race. Age stratification, which is based on the social status of a person, is a major source of inequalities and differences between age groups and consequently may lead to ageism. (GCIT, 2012a) 3. Define the “activity theory”, and discuss the relevance of this theory to the older person. Activity Theory: Activity theory is a theory that links keeping physically active with happiness and successful aging. As we get older we give up many things such as we retire, we become widows or widowers, we drop out of social clubs and so on. The elderly need to replace the things they give up with new hobbies and activities. (Crisp & Taylor, 2009) See p. 224 4. Define and contrast Fluid and crystallized intelligence and

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