Ohio Buckeye Research Paper

1971 Words8 Pages
ABSTRACT Global warming causes many changes in weather patterns including greater temperature variability and more extreme temperatures. In this study we examined the damage and recovery in Aesculus glabra (Ohio buckeye) in Trelease Woods after a late frost in the spring of 2007, potentially caused by global warming. 1) If temperature and wind gradients directly affect the pattern of damage and recovery of Ohio buckeye, then as the distance of Ohio buckeye from the forest edge increases the percent leaf damage done by frost will decrease. 2) If the total leaf area available for photosynthesis in an Ohio buckeye directly affects its recovery from frost damage, then as percent leaf damage increases, recovery (based on percent canopy fullness,…show more content…
Houle (2007) found that trees flowered 2-6 days earlier in 2000 than they did in 1900, indicating that global warming is impacting the phenology of plants. This can affect plants by altering their growing seasons, which may have unknown impacts on the plants. Increased temperatures linked to global warming have also been associated with decreased frost resistance, which can lead to an increased amount of damage to trees’ buds (Bannister et al. 2005). Studying these factors is important because it will allow us to understand and predict the changes that will occur due to the evolving climate and…show more content…
As predicted, trees farther from the forest edge suffered less leaf damage from the late frost than trees near the edge did. Trees near the edge suffered much higher leaf damage, including several trees that suffered 100% damage, while trees farther away from the edge suffered much less severe damage, with many trees having very minimal or no leaf damage. These findings indicate that trees near the edge suffer more damage due to frost because of edge effects, namely lower temperatures and higher
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