‘of Mice and Men’ Serves as a Reminder That Dreaming Is Futile. How Far Do You Agree with This Representation of the Text and Its Key Themes?

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‘Of Mice and Men’ serves as a reminder that dreaming is futile. How far do you agree with this representation of the text and its key themes? To first answer the question we need to define a key element, what are dreams? When we dream we contemplate the possibility of doing something or indulging in fantasies about something greatly desired. Yet they are necessary to keep the levels of hope high in people to stand for what they believe in whether it be the inadequacies of society or something else. Furthermore without incorporating dreams and having something to achieve in our life will result in an endless stream of days that have little connection or meaning. The representation of dreams occurs via prejudice and stereotypes- Crooks, because he is black in a racist culture- seems to be no hope for him; Curley’s wife, only woman on the farm and regarded as a tart- will never feel wanted, another hopeless situation; Candy, one-handed- can’t do the same work as the others and is old- can’t socialize with anyone, lonely and isolated. These situations give reason for dreaming as it becomes a paradise for those who wish for something more in their life and acts as a beacon of hope yet over time dreams either materialize or they question reality and in the book no one achieves or has achieved their dream- Lennie and George, Curley’s wife and Curley. Dreams will always be a source of hope but if they are not achieved you begin to realise that they are futile which is why to some extent I agree with the statement. The killing of Curley’s wife accentuates the fact that her life has been so futile she is almost being put out of her misery. Also the realisation for Candy that the dream will never materialise is present- “Ever ‘body knowed you’d mess things up. You wasn’t no good. You ain’t no good now, you lousy tart. I could of hoed in the garden and washed dishes for them

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