Of Mice and Men Analysis

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Of Mice and Men is a book about two men and their struggle to achieve their dream of owning a farm through their companionship. The two men are completely different, one being a retarded fellow (Lennie), and the other, a typical ranch hand(George) who travels with him. On the path to achieving their dream, they run into obstacles, but stick together, stressing the importance of true friendship. The first impressions of the relationship between Lennie and George come in the opening chapter. After drinking from the pool, when they are sat on the hill Lennie imitates George’s actions “he pulled his hat down a little more over his eyes the way George’s hat was.” Our immediate interpretation is that Lennie looks up to George as a role model, the quote “way George’s hat was” suggests he acts just like him and mimics him how a son would to a father. Steinbeck also uses animal imagery to illustrate his characters and the friendship between them “Lennie, for god’s sake don’t drink so much”. This is implying that Lenny is like a bear and that he’ll drink until he is physically sick. This suggests that George has to care for lennie so he doesn’t get ill; this means that again, we see Lennie relying on George to care for him. Another friendship is between Candy and his dog. This can be seen where Candy says: "I been with around him so much I never notice how he stinks." Candy says this when the other men complain how his dog smells. However further on in the scene he agrees to let a stranger to the dog put it down. There is a great relationship between George and Lennie, of which many people on the ranch are jealous. They live a symbiotic existence, one where the each of them needs the other. Despite their relationship being based on a mutual need, the one true thing that binds Lennie and George is that they share a common dream. George feels that Lennie is his

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