Oedipus Rex Essay

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Grade 11 Oedipus Rex Study Questions Prologue and Parodos: 1. What has been happening in Thebes that brings all members of the community to Oedipus’s palace for answers? 2. What deed had Oedipus accomplished that makes the people believe that he is “the man surest in mortal ways/And wisest in the ways of God”? 3. What do the people of Thebes want Oedipus to do for them? 4. Who is Creon? 5. Who does Oedipus send to Delphi to learn how to save Thebes? 6. What suggestion does Creon make when Oedipus asks about the message from the god, Apollo? 7. Who is Laius? 8. Why has no one made an attempt to find out the truth about what had happened to Laius? 9. To which three gods does the Chorus pray for help? 10. What does the Chorus want the gods to do for them? Scene 1 and Ode 1: 1. What promise does Oedipus make to anyone who comes forward with information about Laius’s murder? 2. Why does Oedipus berate his people with regard to King Laius? 3. Who does Choragos suggest could help Oedipus locate the whereabouts of the murderer? 4. When Oedipus asks the prophet to reveal the name of the murderer, what is the prophet’s response? 5. What conclusion does Oedipus jump to when the prophet continually refuses to give specific information about the events surrounding the death of King Laius? 6. Who does the prophet finally reveal as the murderer of King Laius? 7. Who is said to be most concerned with the fate of Laius’s murder? 8. Who does Oedipus accuse of being behind a plot to destroy him? 9. Who does the Chorus say will follow the killer wherever he goes? 10. What seems to be the attitude of the Chorus in Ode I toward the prophet’s revelation? Grade 11 Oedipus Rex Study Questions Scene 2 and Ode 2: 1. Why is Creon upset at the opening of scene 2? 2. What is Creon’s defense against the accusations against him? 3. Who does Choragos claim can settle the dispute between

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