Obamas Deal Essay

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Frontline: Obamas Deal After watching this episode on frontline I had a great change of mind on my opinion on Obamacare. This episode of Frontline made me see the reality of the health care reform bill that has been debated over for the past couple of years. I think what astonished me the most was seeing the reality of politics and how much bribery and corruption there really is. It seems to be a dog eats dog frenzy lifestyle in politics. All the special interest groups that were associated in attempting to stop the bill and those trying to support it where there for one main reason, money. Pharmaceutical companies paid millions of dollars to lobbyist to try and stop the health care reform after pledging to support it. At first they promised their support to Obamas bill and later began campaigning against it. The reason is because at first they were willing to support the bill only of it was mandated that every American have health insurance, this would be a great deal for health insurance companies because they would be able to set the prices and make outstanding profits, however once Obama decided that he would slash prescription prices and set federal insurance plans at lower prices the insurance companies turned and began their negative ad campaigns to attempt to kill the bill. They channeled millions of dollars just to campaign against the bill; in their minds it was a strategic move in an attempt to protect their interest. It amazes me that a lobbyist for a pharmaceutical company makes 2 million dollars a year. It is outrages how much bribery there can be in politics. Bribery doesn’t just come in the form of money however. Campaign contributions and “donations”, gifts, which can include limousines and dinners, come from big companies who attempt to establish leverage with congressman. I had no idea that there had been previous bills just like this one

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