Obama Democratic President

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How did Obama beat Clinton to the democratic nomination? When the little known US Senator for Illinois announced his intentions to run in the democratic presidential primary in 2007, few believed that he could defeat the party backed establishment candidate, Hilary Clinton. Clinton’s campaign was described as “the largest and most powerful presidential campaign in History” and although Obama himself was quietly confident, his early investors were sceptical as Clinton gained an early twenty point lead. So how was he able to turn things around? Obama had three key factors on his side. Firstly he managed to change the voting demographic for early primaries. Early primaries and caucuses such as Iowa and New Hampshire tend to favour establishment candidates, with the voters tending to be older and white. Through his use of the internet and other modern mediums, Obama was able to energise a grassroots swell of young support and was able to record as many voters under the age of 25 (as a percentage of the age group) as over 65, something unprecedented in American politics. Different observers have clashed over how this was achieved. Some have credited Obama’s oratory prowess, his willingness to…show more content…
Despite few of its members ever having worked together before, Obama realised that by building a team that genuinely wanted him to win he could organize them far more effectively knowing they had his best interests at heart. He also paid many of his top members far less than Clinton, sometimes as little as a tenth of the salary for equally well provided services. This combined with a lack of scandalous behaviour not previously associated with any presidential campaign, meant that Obama was able to overturn Clintons lead and in the end record a comfortable victory for the democratic nomination on his way to becoming
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