Obama Audacity Of Hope Essay

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Obama’s life experience has given him a desire perspective on life, which he has combined with his own passion and love for this country. Obama can enable all Americans with diverse points of views to respect each other, through his eloquence reminders and reprioritization of the fundamental American goals of a better life and a shared love for his country Obama had a diverse background. He was born in Hawaii, to parents from Kansas. They separated when he was two years old, and divorced in 1964. Instead of the common stable family and charmed life that all previous Presidents have had, Obama was forced to create an image of his absent father that according to what was told him by his mother and parents, whom he was raised with. (Newsweek) The image was partially accurate, and part of the image that a young boy needed to construct for himself to feel he was a stable and functional human being. In this way,…show more content…
However, the second book serves a significant function: as if anyone does not know that what Obama understands what that hope means in this day and age. Hope is something that is in short supply in this world, and the intent is of this book is not to say otherwise in this word, demonstrating a grip on reality through straightforwardness and honesty on the part of Obama which of course also appealed to Americans. The book also serves as a form of acceptance of accountability and responsibility to the American people. The lack of accountability in life is what Obama has suffered from and as have so many other Americans of his and the next generation, at the personal level and at the institutional levels where lack of accountability has driven our government and many major corporations virtually into the ground. In effect, Obama is defining in Audacity of Hope what he will do as a politician with the experience which he shaped as a person in Dreams of My

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