OBAMACARE: Introduction To Ethics And Social Responsibility

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OBAMACARE: HELP OR HINDRANCE SOC120: Introduction to Ethics & Social Responsibility Monday, November 19, 2012 In our present state with the election only days away, we in America are found with the dame question that has plagued us for years which is: Does the government hold the key to making healthcare affordable? One of the primary issues that will make our current President sink or swim is the crisis that most Americans are faced with regarding affordable healthcare. The OBAMACARE or Patient Protection Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was approved by the then Democratic-controlled Congress and signed by President Obama in 2010. Americans are divided on the issue of healthcare.Citation However, various other countries have…show more content…
True this healthcare will require employers to spend more on healthcare and therefore give those clear excuses as to why they have to make cuts. In most other nations the government provides healthcare for their citizens. There doesn’t seem to be a clear way to handle the healthcare issues, on one hand if the government sets mandates with regards to healthcare they tend to alienate the powers to be (Congress, the 1 %, Businesses); on the other hand these mandates helps those who otherwise wouldn’t be able to help themselves. (Simon,…show more content…
These are just a few of the goals and purposes that OBAMACARE provides to the American people. (Obamacare,

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