Nvq3 Health and Social

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Unit 029 – Working together for the Benefit of Children and Young People Outcome 1 – Understand integrated and multi-agency working 1. Explain the importance of multi-agency working and integrated working. Multi-agency and integrated working are vital parts to achieving better outcomes for the young people. If these types of working are not implemented and acted upon then you are not ensuring that the young people have the support that they require to achieve as much as they can. 2. Analyse how integrated working practices and multi-agency working in partnership deliver better outcomes for children and young people. If the two types of working are working in partnership then it is much easier for the professionals who are working with the children and family to agree the way they might assess and plan for the child. For example, if a young person has to go from one setting to another during the day, then the professionals working together would result in a better understanding and a better quality of care for the young person as sharing information results in a more complete understanding of the young person. 3. Describe the functions of external agencies with whom your work setting or service interacts We work with various external agencies. These agencies, for example CAMHS and school/college, work with us as well as the young person to give support to the young person. CAMHS provide counselling to the Young Person if they wish and always encourage our work place to keep in touch and offer to support our Young People whenever needed. Other services include social services, who ultimately ensure that the young people are receiving the care and support that they need. We are kept in constant touch with the young person’s social worker and speak regularly with them. Health Care professionals such as speech therapy is provided by external
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