Nvq3 Essay

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Unit 4222-205 Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care(HSC 024) OUTCOME 1 1.Define the following types of abuse: * Physical abuse: is the non-accidental infliction of physical force that results in bodily injury, pain or impairment.Examples: hitting,slapping,kicking,inappropriate restraint or sanctions,force feeding,misuse of medication * Sexual abuse: is a direct or indirect involvement in sexual activity without valid consent. Consent to a particular activity may not be given because: * A person has capacity and does not agree with it; * A person lacks capacity and is therefore unable to agree with it; * A person feels coerced into activity because the other person is in a position of trust, power or authority. Examples of Sexual Abuse * Unwanted physical and sexual contact, e.g. caresses; * Intercourse with someone who lacks the capacity to consent; * Rape; * Indecent exposure; * Sexual harassment (verbal or physical); * Displaying pornographic literature videos or internet sites; * Gross indecency. * Emotional/psychological abuse: is the use of threats, humiliation, bullying, swearing and other verbal conduct, or any other form of mental cruelty, which results in mental or physical distress. It includes the denial of basic human and civil rights, such as choice, self-expression, privacy and dignity. Examples of Emotional/Psychological Abuse * Intimidation by word or deed; * Humiliation; * Harassment; * Enforced social isolation (including cultural discrimination); * Blaming, controlling, threats. * Financial abuse: is the unauthorised and improper use of funds, property or any resources belonging to an individual. Those who financially abuse may be people who hold a position of trust, power, and authority or has the confidence of the Adult at Risk.
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