Nursing Values Essay

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Nursing is more than a profession; it is a lifelong commitment. Nursing is a continuous education wherein you never stop learning. It offer lots of challenges that gives new experience every day, always learning and developing better methods of care. Nursing is highly demanding career yet rewarding and fulfilling. I will be discussing my personal nursing values which I believe to be the holistic characteristic of nursing.
Education is one of the major key in nursing roles. Having a good nursing education background is considered essential to prepare a newly graduate nurse to work in a hospital. It is the responsibility of the nurse to apply the skills and knowledge acquired from school to the work place in order to render an effective care. Knowledge can give nurses greater confidence to take action and absence of knowledge can leave nurses powerless to provide a safe and high quality care. To excel as a nurse you should be caring, compassionate and empathetic for those who are weak and suffering. Give respect and honor patients when they are miserable and vulnerable. It is a moral obligation of the nurse to take care of their physical health but also their psychological and emotional needs. Great nurses know how to put themselves in their patient’s shoes and have empathy for their pain and sufferings in order to provide a good quality of care. Nurses must always on the go, be a quick thinker and have a great judgment. Nursing is stressful and a tough job. Lifting, standing for a long period of time, doing frequent physical tasks could make a grueling day. Nurses must have a good physical endurance to maintain the energy throughout the shift. Nurses must know how to assess and respond to any problems or traumatic situation may arise and able to make quick decisions and implement their actions, therefore nurses must possess a great judgment. Effective

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