Nursing Theory Comparison

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Nursing Theory Comparison:

Roy Vs. Rogers

Most nursing theorist believe in the improvement of care for the patient. Nursing theorist Roy and Rogers are no different. Even though both theories demonstrate deep concern for the patient. Roy and Rogers’ theories differ greatly from one another.

Rogers’ theory is the Science of Unitary Human Beings. According to this theory the environment and person are energy fields that are exposed. Any transformations in these energy fields happen as expected and are caused by a specific pattern of actions (Parker, 2005). Alternatively, Roy views people as a whole system, obtaining homeostasis by modifying the environment.

One of the biggest differences between Roy and Rogers’ theories is their definition of the person in the nursing paradigm. Parker (2005) explains, that Roy believes people are adaptive systems. Rogers believes adaptation is a notion of the past and she does not limit the definition of person to Homo sapiens but also includes Homo spatialis. Homos spatialis are the evolution of Homo sapiens who have changed their environment to outer space. Rogers considers the environment as an essential part of the person, they occur jointly. Also, health according to Rogers should not be the main focus of nursing but the environment should be (Parker, 2005). In contrast Roy states that health is a process that fluctuates which is why homeostasis in necessary. As people adapt they modify the environment and in return the environment also alters them (Black & Chitty, 2007).

They also differ greatly in their idea of nursing. Rogers says nurses should be creative thinkers looking only to the future and should not become fixed in the present (Parker, 2005). However, Roy thinks nursing should help in the adaptation of the individual or in the environment (Parker, 2005).

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