Nt2580 Case 3.1.3

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ET 2560 Exercies 3.1 1. The value of x>=y-x is 1. Because the expression is true, the value has to be 1. 2. Value of the expression is 2, because both expressions are 1 and 1+ 1 = 2. 3. if (deduct < balance) { balance = balance – deduct; printf(“New balance is %.2f”, balance); } else { printf(“Deduction of %.2f refused.”, deduct); printf(“would overdraw account.”); } printf(“Deduction=%.2f Final balance=%.2f’, deduct, balance) 4. ice_forming 5. #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int years; printf("Enter your number of years:\n"); scanf("years"); if (years <= 0 ) printf("None\n"); else if (years >= 1-5); printf("Elementary School\n"); else if (years

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