Nt1210T Unit 3 Week 3 Network Models Review

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Unit 3 Assignment 1: Networking Models Review Homework Week 3: Pg 59 - 3.1.1 exercise 3.1.1 What would happen if wireless devices were not governed by the Wi-Fi Alliance and each vendor had its own standards and protocols? What impact would this have on your personal life or business communications? Without the same standards and protocols there could be a variety of Wifi operating software and access to other wireless networks may not be possible. Without standards to follow personal information may be compromised and stolen. Pg 60 - 3.1 Lab 3.1 review 2. What is the history of the OSI reference model? How did it come about and why was it created? Use your textbook and Internet research to support your answer. Back in the late 1970's, two projects began independently with the same goal in mind, which was to define a unifying standard for the architecture of networking. One was the ISO, (International Organization for Standardization), the other was the CCITT, (International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee), both of these organizations developed a document that defined similar network models. It was deployed widely as an instructional tool, the OSI Reference Model was intended to serve as the foundation for the establishment of a widely-adopted suite of protocols that would be used by international networks, which became the internet, called the OSI Protocol Suite. 3. What is the history of the TCP/IP model? Why was it created? Use your textbook and Internet research to support your answer. In 1970's the DOD sponsored a project to create a standardized networking model called TCP/IP. Pg 61 - 3.2.1 exercise 3.2.1 Using Figure 3-1, define each layer of the OSI model in your own words and state what each layer provides. Use your textbook or Internet research to support your answer. The 7 layers of the OSI model are as

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