Nt1210 Unit 1 Assignment 1

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Chapter 1 Review Activities 1. (C) – Represents one binary digit. 2. (B) – Megabyte. 3. (C) – 64 bits per quadruple word. 4. (A), (E) – Used for short-term memory. Is installed onto the motherboard. 5. (A) – The CPU tells the RAM which address holds the data that the CPU wants to read. 6. (C) – Character set. 7. (D) – The binary equivalent of decimal 123456789. 8. (A) – An actuator arm. 9. (A), (B), (C) – Keeps data in order. Provides a convenient way to name a set of data for easier operations like copying and moving. Names give users an easy way to reference the data. 10. (A) – By reading the file system’s directory information, which is stored on the storage device. 11. (C) – Changing the disk’s surface so that later the light will reflect differently for 0 or 1. 12. (B), (D) – Used for long-term memory. Connects to the CPU over a bus using a cable. 13. (A), (C) – Actuator arm. Platters. 14. (A), (D) – RAM. USB flash drive. 15. (A) – Keyboard map. 16. (D) – By closing an electrical circuit connected to the key when the key is pressed. 17. (B) – Two dimensions: movement as two numbers: one in the direction of the X axis of an X, Y graph and the other on the Y axis. 18. (C) – Input of commands that control the computer. 19. (C), (D) – The screen is using more than 1 million pixels. 1024 is the number of items top to bottom in a grid on the screen. 20. (A), (B) – Information that identifies each individual pixel on the computer display. A binary code for each pixel, defining its color. List the Words Inside Acronyms 1. RAM – Random Access Memory 2. OS – Operating System 3. CPU – Central Processing Unit 4. KB – Kilobyte 5. MB – Megabyte 6. GB – Gigabyte 7. TB – Terabyte 8. USB – Universal Serial Bus 9. HDD – Hard Disk Drive 10. ODD –

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