North Carolina Schools Case Study

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North Carolina schools are probably not very different in their efforts to move toward becoming more diverse and socially just educational institutions than any other state. I feel that there are such demands on the public education system today. And schools alone cannot be solely responsible for the demands that are being placed on them. Parents and the community at large need to work together with educators to help all students succeed. Teachers and administrators recognize, of course, that children bring a plethora of issues with them to the classroom these days...drugs, gangs, violence, family dissolution and stress, financial hardship, and social discrepancy. There are other factors which place children at-risk as well. The number of minority and limited-English-proficiency children in schools is on the rise. We have to do all we can to help these new students, but some teachers feel very ill-prepared to do that. Schools get labeled as failing when they can get all students to the level that the state says they need to be. But there are so many issues to take into consideration. I do think North Carolina teachers, as well as any individual who has…show more content…
T said that in her opinion her school does a good job in regards to multicultural issues. However, she wishes there were more teachers of color and more male teachers. Most teachers at her school are white females. As far as guest speakers go, she says that while there are some visitors to the school who speak in classrooms, she wishes there were more of a cultural variety of speakers. For the most part, the only time when African American speakers come is during Black History Month. She feels it's not done on purpose, but that's just how it happens. She told me that while there is a sign at the front of the building that contains the Notice of Equal Opportunity and Non-Discriminator poster, her school does not place an emphasis on gays and lesbians and she feels that this would be totally
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