No Girls Allowed Short Story

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No Girls Allowed By: Cole Wight The perspiration from my forehead began to burn my eyes and give a salty taste in my mouth, further urging the desperate need to quench my thirst. It became difficult to feel my legs; I no longer knew where I drew my strength. I panted like a dog while I continued in the sweltering heat. As I pressed onward, I frantically scaled the terrain with my eyes searching for a place of refuge, a safe haven, a sanctuary. Despite my failing attempts to sight rescue, I continued to push my body further knowing that my motivation was one small misstep behind me. As I began burning holes in my socks, I quietly prayed for mercy and for luck to find my way. Just as I had begun to feel my shoes ripping from their seams, I see, in my astonishment and relief, the fraternity to which I knew I belonged, and would find alleviation and…show more content…
I mentally switched gears and dug up every ounce of energy from within my body to thrust myself to my now visible goal. I rushed to the tree and burned my hands ascending up the rope taking it with me as I reached the deck of my destination. I then leisurely opened the door and closed it behind me with a bit of swagger, finding comfort in the words engraved on the door: “NO GIRLS ALLOWED!” Canada is a country that continues to strive to provide equality for boys and girls, men and women. The leisure industry is under constant scrutiny of its ability to provide equal opportunities for both sexes. For every boy’s team, there should be a girl’s team; if there is not, then the opposite sex should be allowed to join the other side. This is essentially the
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