Nissim Essay

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Lagos Papers in English Studies Vol. 2: 107-131 (2007) A SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF THE ANGLOINDIAN POET NISSIM EZEKIEL’S POEM "NIGHT OF THE SCORPION" MOHAMED SHOKR ABDULMONEIM BANHA UNIVERSITY EGYPT I- ABSTRACT: This paper attempts a Systemic Functional analysis of the poem "Night of the Scorpion" written by the Anglo-Indian Poet Nissim Ezekiel (1982). As a matter of fact, the efficiency of linguistic models can only be proved through application to various types of texts especially literary ones due to their different layers of meaning. Therefore, Halliday has applied his method to a few literary texts e.g. Golding’s novel The Inheritors (1977). Hence, Halliday’s model is used here in an integrated way to give us a clear picture of the linguistic fabric of the present poem which was selected due to its subtlety and internal patterning. These aspects can be interpreted in full if they are analyzed through Halliday’s model. Such an analysis provides deeper insights into the meaning of Ezekiel’s poem on both of the linguistic and literary levels. The application of Halliday's model to the poem under analysis reveals that its linguistic structure enhances two major points regarding its literary message: the first is Ezekiel's fondness of opposites as the poem is built on a terse scheme of opposites related to the participants and the values they embody as life and death, evil and good, and spiritualism and rationalism where such a duality is underlined by the poet to reflect the dual nature of life itself, and the second is that despite the fact that the poem is considered a narrative one where "this narration describes events and beliefs which are very much indicative of the society and community in which they occur" (Syal 1994: 35), an illusion of an immediate context of utterance is created where there are a dramatic setting and a dynamic interaction or

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