New Chinese Immigrants

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A Review of the Ethnography: “Ethnicity and Entrepreneurship: The New Chinese Immigrants in the San Francisco Bay Area by Bernard Wong The ethnography “Ethnicity and Entrepreneurship: The New Chinese Immigrants in the San Francisco Bay Area” by Bernard Wong. This ethnography studies the “New Chinese Immigrants”, whom come from different social and economic backgrounds and possess different resources. The focus here is to change the perspective of many that these immigrants are not “victims” who are a burden on social services, but rather are problem solvers and decision makers who try to form their own destiny using their own ethnic and personal resources (Wong 1986). A deductive approach is used in this work. Three sets of theories guide Wong's research: 1) Opportunity structures available to Chinese immigrants in the United States, 2) Chinese immigrants use their non-economic resources (family, kinship ties, community and cultural values), to adapt to economic environments, 3) An examination of how the global economy has influenced Chinese immigrants' social and economic lives (Wong 1986). Wong conducted his fieldwork in the San Francisco Bay area from 1986-1998. Wong has the superior advantage of already having rapport through kinship ties with the people he interviews because his family also belongs to the group of new Chinese immigrants. His ability to speak fluently in both Mandarin and Cantonese, as well as many other dialects of Chinese creates more openness and honesty when interviewing the people he is studying. He relays these first-hand descriptions and includes quotes throughout his work frequently and uses language that allows us to view the new Chinese immigrants how he perceives them- hard working people who try to change and secure their futures as well as for their children. Wong's primary tools in this fieldwork is interviewing and participant

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