Nevada Legal Brothels

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Legal Brothels Legalizing prostitution is the safest way of sex being sold. Many believe prostitution should be legalized and some think it should stay as an illegal act. Nevada is currently the only U.S state that has legal brothel prostitution. Prostitution is often viewed as degrading to women and morally wrong. However, with the current social issues, prostitution is going to continue. Even though the effects of legalized brothel prostitution in the future are unsure, the short-term effects have been proven to be favourable. By making it legal we can control it better. While there definitely are negative ethical and moral implications to prostitution, legalizing brothel prostitution in the United States of America would be an efficient…show more content…
These legal licensed brothels are to be found in ten counties of Nevada but only eight are running successfully up to date. These brothels are in the rural area of the state and the vast majority of the population lives in the counties where prostitution is illegal. (Weitzer, 2000)The reason behind their being only twenty eight brothels is that under the state law of Nevada only a county with a population of less than 400,000 will be allowed to open up a legal licensed brothel, therefore only the counties that have a smaller population are allowed to have a licensed brothel. These thirty five licensed brothels have about three hundred registered female prostitutes working (Brents & Hausbeck, 2001). The famous city of Las Vegas, also known to be the “Sin City” because of gambling, parties, drugs and prostitutes, has not legalized brothels because it’s a populated city and has a lot of tourism. These legal brothels are located in the deserts which are located on the way when driving to Las Vegas (Rubin & Symanski, 1975). Fees for the licence of these brothels range from $100,000 to $200,000 annually and licensed prostitutes must be 21 years or older (Brents & Hausbeck, 2001). If a brothel hires a under age or trafficked prostitute, their licence can be taken away and they will have to pay a…show more content…
Sexually Transmitted Diseases, also known as STDs, are diseases that can be passed between sexual partners. Men and women both need to practice safe sex and decrease the chances of spreading STDs because they can spread AIDS. AIDS is a type of disease that unfortunately our medical science has not found cure for and it leads to death. Prostitutes are more likely to catch sexually transmitted diseases because they have unprotected sex with strangers to earn money. Nevada is the only state in United States that has legalized brothels in some cities of the state to control STD’s. In Nevada the law requires that a registered brothel prostitutes must be tested on weekly basis by a medical doctor for gonorrhoea and Chlamydia, also monthly testing is done for HIV and syphilis. (Brent & Hausbeck, 2005). Therefore all the prostitutes that apply for employment in a brothel must take these tests in order to have the job. If the tests give negative results, the prostitute will be licensed and can start working. After meeting a physician every week if any of their tests ever come out positive they can no longer work as a legal brothel prostitute and they lose their job, unless they are cured of the diseases. (Brent & Hausbeck, 2005). The mandatory condom law was passed in 1988 and because of that brothel prostitutes have a greater risk of
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