Ncfe Level 4 Unit 7

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Name: Hector Canta Unit 7 Manage learning and development in groups Level 4 Assignment 3 7 Understand the principles and practices of managing learning development in groups In order to explain what the principles and practices are I will explain these 2 separately. So what are the principles in managing learning development in groups? Principles Right Preparation - It may be basic to mention but, as a teacher I need to prepare my student’s interpersonal skills, in other words how they relate to one another, can they advice one another?, how they communicate. I also have to clearly explain what the task is and ask them to set rules that help will them to work in a safe environment. Inclusive System – The way the the task is designed should consider diversity within the group so that it does not pose a problem to anyone. Supervised – I have to ensure that group activities are supervised and I should not rely on the fact that rules have been set. As with any large group working together things could get out of hand. It also gives them a sense of security/support if the teacher is there. So what are the practices/ is it Practical? Preparation – As above, but looking at the environment, so have I considered this physically. Are they comfortable, is the room big enough for the activity etc. Inclusive – If the activity is a problem, could I get any assistance from a carer say, so that none of my students miss out. Supervised – So again like above in the principles, but in practical terms it means, going round the room, actively listening in or looking in. Interrupting if necessary, in cases of things getting out of hand reminding them of the rules etc. 1.1 Analyse the characteristics of group environments that foster learning and development. In order to analyse these facts, I would have to think
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