Nature vs. Nurture Controversy

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Nature vs. Nurture Controversy Megan Balzarini Psychology 230 Nature vs. Nurture Controversy How might one approach the nature-nurture controversy? What is more important in human development: heredity or environmental factors? Nature can be defined as inborn biological givens that are based on genetic inheritance; and nurture is considered to be the physical and social world that influences biological and psychological development. So, is one predetermined by genetic components to become who they are, or does circumstance and environmental factors make them who they are? In other words, what influences human development more, inheritance, or experience? For many years, theorists have argued about the role nature and nurture play in shaping a person’s identity. In the past, some claimed that a person’s genetic traits encoded the characteristics they would acquire and others asserted that environmental factors and emotional events were more influential in shaping a person’s personality. Today, however, most people agree that both nature and nurture equally affect development and shape personalities. In fact, “a growing number regard heredity and environment as inseparably interwoven, each affecting the potential of the other…” (Berk, 2010, p. 5). In the past, some theorists and psychologists claimed heredity was exclusively responsible for human development. They claimed that differences between people could be explained by inheritance of traits and mannerisms. Furthermore, they emphasized stability, which is the belief that “individuals who are high or low in a characteristic (such as verbal ability, anxiety, or sociability) will remain so at later ages” (Berk, 2010 p. 5). They asserted that temperament is biologically predetermined and therefore unaffected by life events and social influences. Presently, however, it is believed that genetics are certainly
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