Nature Is Viewed as Important by Man?

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Nature encompasses many aspects of the physical world. It ranges from the sky to the sea and is often depicted as a beautiful thing. Nature surrounds man from all directions, thus is it is inevitable that man understands how to interact with it. As nature is usually held in high regard by man, it is true that nature is viewed as important by man. Nature is viewed as important to men as nature provides the essential resources needed for progression and development. Nature has contributed to the advancement of mankind such as medicine, chemicals, and natural resources. Since nature benefits man in such various ways, it is undeniable that man has to rely on nature. This is seen in the exploitation of nature, such as deforestation, etc to the benefit of man. Nature has provided man with a multitude of life-saving medicines from quinine to aspirin, and from morphine to numerous cancer and HIV-fighting drugs. In William Wordsworth, “The World is too much with us”, William Wordsworth mentions that “we lay waste our powers: little we see in Nature that is ours”, shows that we are linked to nature and we have to rely on power. Our exploitation of nature hence shows us how important nature is to us, and it is undeniable that we have to rely on nature. Thus, nature is viewed as important to man, despite the exploitation of nature. In addition, nature is viewed as important to man because it allows them to take refuge from the stressful urban environment so as to attain a peaceful state of mind at the psychological level. This is because nature has the power to ease the tension in people’s minds and body, helping them to be themselves. This is significant and thus seen as important because it maintains the mental health of humans. In the poem “Daffodils” by William Wordsworth, the poet describes that he saw the magnificent sight of daffodils “tossing their heads in

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