Nature in Frost Poems

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Nature in Frost Poems Nature and the workings of the world have an undeniable connection that is essential for the earth to exist. Nature is mostly independent: all on its own with no set boundaries, but the fabricated aspects of society are completely slave to the surrounding natural environment. The weather destroys, gives life, and it dictates what activities will occur and when they will occur, day to day. Biological systems decree when a man will be born and when he will fall victim to death. In the numerous poems by Robert Frost, his use of nature shows symbolism to the deeper meaning of his poems. “The Road Not Taken”, “My November Guest”, “Mending Wall”, and “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” all contain examples of Frost’s exceptional use of imagery. Symbolism is described as words, objects, or events that have a meaning larger than their definition and/or “an artistic movement in the late 19th century that tried to express abstract or mystical ideas through the symbolic use of images” (Princeton, “Symbolism” 1). The implantation of symbols acts as a guide for the audience, moving their eyes across the page with each customary inclusion. The known is much more comfortable for a person to encounter in poetry, rather than something unseen or unusual. Robert Frost is not necessarily a nature poet, but instead he uses nature to create symbolism (Lynen). Much of Frost's poetry is steeped in the concrete details of a farmer's life, yet he used those details as [beginning] points to explore larger and often darker themes--loss, fear, death and nature's relationship to humanity (Leddy, “Literary Pilgrimages” 39). The lifestyle of farm-life and the process of the harvest was a large segment of his life, so his poems reflect the nature that surrounded him because that is what he understood best. Frost wrote many different poems such as “The Road Not Taken”,
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