Natural Law Essay

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Natural Law is the most reliable approach when making decisions about pre-marital sex. Discuss. I found this essay very interesting because it shows how students fundamentally misunderstand - and so mishandle- natural law theory, imputing things to it which should never be imputed. A straw man in logic is one you set up in order to knock down. The first half of this essay is a classic straw man argument. Source: click here Natural Law, the basis for many of the teachings of the Catholic Church, is often considered a very conservative approach to sexualethics, particularly to pre-marital sex. This allows for many interesting points for discussion in a modern society like our own. In this essay I will outline the Natural Law approach to pre-marital sex and evaluate its reliability. I will also outline and evaluate other ethical approaches to the topic in an attempt to determine if a more reliable approach is available. Very clear and succinct opening - good. The Natural Law approach to pre-marital sex is relatively simple let the reader decide how simple it is - we need an argument here: sex is strictly for married couples only. This is because Natural Law is deontological and states that everything has a purpose surely that's teleological, if everything has a purpose, so making this sentence unclear, better to say" has deontological outcomes from a teleological worldview", and that something is morally sound, or good, when it is fulfilling this purpose. The purpose of sex is to procreate; as that is what genitalia are designed for. The purpose of marriage is, traditionally, to bring two people together to raise a family The point is surely not that it is traditional, but that Aquinas argues that the sanctity of marriage is necessary for personal and social flourishing - the telos or goal is eudaimonia. Therefore, the act with the purpose of making children should
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