Native Americans Fight Against The American Indians

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Journal Entry 1850 I am writing in this journal the story of the American Indians fight against the American settlers. Before I was old enough to remember a new race of man settled on our lands. We accepted at first but their numbers grew too large, they wanted more of our land than we were willing to give to them. This is what prompted us to join in the Great War what we now call the American Revolution. Many of our tribes from the south fought with the British in hopes of fending off the American Settlers. It was an exhausting time for American Indians. Though I am an old woman now, I was only a young girl when this story began. My tribe was living in Northwest region. Though we moved a lot throughout my life I was born in what is now…show more content…
Now that the war is over my hope of life returning to normal is over. The government is saying that we have surrendered our right to our land with the defeat of the British. I fear my tribe will be hunted down or thrown out of our lands. The government is trying to avoid war with us they do not see us as threats as of now, more of nuisance. They have proven considerable enemies with their fire weapons and numbers. But there are stirrings in our tribe of retribution for our lost lands. We have numbers on our side as well, at least for the time being. Right now there are about six hundred thousand American Indians sharing this great continent with the new settlers. Privately, I fear that in only a few short years our numbers will dwindle to almost…show more content…
Everyday we live in fear of relocation. Our people are dying from disease due to lack of food and supplies. We are lacking in food because the government is building in our forests and killing our game for pleasure and food alone. Our resources grow low but there are only certain times a year we are able to safely move ourselves. This is not one of those times so our old are cold and dying and our young are hungry and angry. It is a bitter time but I still have hope that we can make some kind of peace with the Americans. There must be some way for us all to exist peacefully. 1830 Our tribe has been moved and moved. More of us have been killed off. We fear the worst. Some part of this new government known as The Congress is voting on the Relocation Act. Basically they are deciding if we are allowed to stay in our home, the home we lived in for years before they set foot on our land or if we are to be packed up and shipped off to the Western Region. Hopefully the news will come soon. We are done fighting for our lives. We want either peace or a new home. Though we are still angry we are not willing to risk more of our numbers to keep fighting. The bill was passed today. We are being relocated to the barren deserts of the west. The foul land that they want nothing to do with at the moment. One day they will probably come to claim

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