Native American Social Injustices

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Native American Social Injustices A study by the Department of Justice in 1999 found that violent crime occurs more than twice as frequent per capita on Indian reservations as elsewhere, with sexual abuse against women occurring 3 times as frequently, and that violent crime in Indian country is increasing while decreasing nationally. Indian women are 2 and half times more likely to be assaulted and more than twice as likely to be stalked as any other women in this country. In the previous 7 years, the report said, homicide on Indian reservations rose by 87 percent, while declining 22 percent nationally, and child abuse and neglect rose 18 percent, while declining 8 percent nationally. Nearly a 3rd of all Indians between the ages of 18 and 24 are victims of violence. These numbers can only show the significance of violence on Indian reservations. There are many reasons for such a high crime rate on Indian reservations. One of the main reasons is for the high rate of alcoholism and abuse. With 12 percent of the deaths among American Indians and Alaska Natives being alcohol related. Native American youth are far more likely to experiment with alcohol. Low self esteem is thought to be one major cause. Another reason is for the lack of law enforcement and not enough police men. Understaffed police forces are common in Indian country. Most tribes do not have the money and other resources for officers, prosecutors, courts, detention facilities, and rehabilitation facilities. Most reservations rely on the Bureau of Indian Affairs to assign officers to their reservations. The lack of resources makes good policing difficult, and also hinders prosecution. The Violence Against Women Act of 1994 was passed to protect Native American women and provides money toward investigation and prosecution of violent crimes against women. The high crime rate is due to a lack of adequate

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