National Football League Mission Statement

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National Football League (NFL) National Football League (NFL) is known as one of the highest professional American football in the United States. It’s known as today most profitable and valuable economic force in sports then other competitors in the American sports-business universe. It’s sold more than 17 million game tickets in 2008 and estimated three-quarters of the American population that watched at least one NFL game on television. Super Bowl, an annual event in American pop culture, helps gather a lot of NFL fans. However, the NFL has not always been perfect throughout America’s sporting life; the league also struggled to establish stability and legitimacy for many yeas after 1920s. After World War II, it rose to major prominence…show more content…
It helps teaches the NFL players to become a better person and to influence other people such as youngsters to not get involve with any critical situation. I think the statement is there because it also helps challenge their lives and minds to any kind of obstacles they are heading towards to. I believe that this statement is strong towards the NFL players because it shows them that they also have goals and mission to accomplish just like everybody else. Not just to become a better person, but someone who can also impact a lot of people’s lives as…show more content…
Mostly Caucasians and African-American citizens are Christians, so I think that’s what the NFL uses when it comes to using target marketing. In my terms, I believe they don’t have a specific target they have towards gender, but mostly they try to target men, due to the fact that football is a men sport. However it’s still useful to have products that are available to other gender besides men. It’s because it they can help and also support the team to make it a family event or it can help them bond with others. Basically, they are targeting men that are at the age of 18 and higher with at least a high school degree and probably still attending college. I think the class rank the NFL will usually aim for are those whose in the middle class and higher. Simply because it’s easy for them to afford products online and game tickets with that kind of class

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