Narrative Essay About Dying

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Dying wasn’t the scary part: I had gotten into a car accident while driving home from a party. I probably shouldn’t have been driving because I was well over my limit with alcohol and drunk out of my mind. “Get your butt home now!” is what I heard in my ear as I answered the phone, still drinking the contents of my red solo cup. I grab my keys and head home and thinking that it would be okay to run the stop sign since it was so late in the night, I proceeded to do so. Wrong decision. I ended up getting t-boned by a semi and here I am in some random place that I have no recollection of. This is the scary part: I am here wandering around in some random place that looks somewhat like I city that I would be familiar with but everything is black and white and there is no one to see in sight. Everything in this city is destroyed, also: building cars, houses, everything. I continue to walk down this debris-ridden road and see a bright light shining down from the dark, cloudy sky. It was as if someone from above was telling me to follow wherever it was…show more content…
“NO!” screamed the hiding bystanders, but I continued running until the body of the creature and mine collided and sent it flying into the depths of the sky. My force field had protected me and the lives of these innocent people. Then, I understood where all of the chaos and broken things had came from in this lonely town: the gorilla had came and destroyed this city and gotten rid of most of the other life living in dimension. The paper I had opened gave me these powers to use so I can save these people and this chaotic place. I am getting a second chance to make mine and others’ lives better after living a delinquent-like life filled with sin where I drank myself to death. I get a second chance. I think I will like it
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