My Report About the Book: “Dearest Friend “a Life of Abigail Adams.

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I feel that Abigail Adams it was important because I believe the she is part of the America history, she was one of the most influential women in the American Revolution,she also had a lot influence on her husband’s John Adams political career.. On this essay I write my opinion about what types causes or issues did Abigail address.Why I think about if her lifestyles She led in influence her personality. Also what are my opinion about Abigail Adams was she or not instrumental in America history and finally is there something she said or wrote that it was important to me. Her causes that she advocate was , The women had the right to an education just like the men..Another of her causes was to make sure the women were treating equally like the men.For example she wrote to her husband when the question of Independence came about telling him according to the book of Lynne whitey (page 99). “I desire you will remember the ladies and be generous and favorable to then than you ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husband, remember all Men would be tyrants if they could.If particular care and attention is not paid the laidies we are determined to foment a rebellion and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in in which we have no voice or Representation”. She also care about slavery she wanted to be abolished.She express her opposition to slavery she hated the idea that the white men felt superior than the black men even though there were in the lower class. When she was young her father teach the girls well and she had superior education then most women.But she knew that her education was not superior to the education of younger men.She felt that her education was deficient ,she also thought that she was a woman even the wife of a president, she was still not treated equally to any man.but she overcame a lots of problems, to make

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