My Priorities Essay

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My Priorities My categories are separated into what is most important to my future and I. Starting from daily routines to job searching. Most teenagers, like I, have a tough time prioritizing either their needs or time management. In the end, I made and balanced out my goals and needs in these three sections: Daily life as a teenager, wants and needs, and free time. I could not be any happier with the choices I have made. First would be school, studying, homework, and NJROTC. These are all the things that can and will help me further develop myself into my future. School is one of the most important things to me because it is where I gain all of my knowledge. Studying and homework also go along with school and gaining my knowledge. On the other hand, it gives you a sense of responsibility. Finally, there is NJROTC. Being a senior in ROTC since I was a freshman has taught me so much! For example, time management. Now that I have learned the basics of that, I am much more organized that I was before. Second would be my daily routines: eating, sleeping, showering, and hanging out with my friends. The reason for listing these four things is to explain why I do them on a daily basis. Eating does not just comfort me when I am depressed; however, it gives the fuel I need to carry on throughout the day. For example, if I did not eat anything this morning, I would not have any energy to even come to school. Sleeping is a huge priority of mine. Honestly, it is one of the many thing I enjoy doing out of all my priorities. Sleep, to me, is an addiction. It relaxes me and takes stress away. Showering helps me make a good impression to the new people I meet throughout the day. If I did not shower, I do not think I would feel so good about myself, nor have many friends. Plus, I love having great hygiene! Last but not least, hanging out with friends. This is important to me

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