My Living Area

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My living area My living area is my favorite place in my apartment. I spend a lot of my time and this area of my apartment. This area is my living room and kitchen. I decorated both rooms myself; with my favorite colors. My living room is decorated with black and cream, my kitchen red and green. The outside of my apartment just holds my favorite living area, not really too fancy. Outside of my apartment doesn’t say much. I have nice green grass in the front and back of my apartment. On both sides of the apartment there is gravel put down for parking needs. On the left side the parking is off an alley and on the other side it is off a street. My front view is a busy road and the back view is a fenced in home that has a little brown dog I hate so much. The white pasty color of the outside of the house says peace. If you’re standing in front of my apartment you will see one big window to the right of my front door, and one little window to the left. I have two stone steps leading to the door. A white screen door and then the actually door that has a gold door knob and big window. The inside of my apartment is where I enjoy being the most. I have cream colored walls, carpet, and blinds. As you walk in my apartment you will step onto a welcome mat that has a couple of wires and cords beneath it. A cream colored love seat sits to your right; the love seat has silver swirls on it. Behind the love seat is a window and heater like you would see in a motel. Right next to the love seat, is a small round glass table, the legs of the table are swirly, and looks like the letter s. The table has a clear glass plate with sea rocks and cream colored candles on it for decoration. Behind the table there is a potted plant that is about five feet tall. The plant gives the room a nice setting. To the right of the table there is another cream colored sofa
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