My Legacy Essay

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In the poem, My Legacy by Lucy Montgomery it shows a true friendship bandaged together with trust. This poem is a prime example to Lucy Montgomery of her work because she shows that good friendship could never be replaced or demolished. Even thought her friend left this world, she still writes and honor her existence by writing this poem. Lucy Montgomery shows that friendship should be involved with a genuine sense of care and concern, a desire to see one another grow and hope each other would succeed in life. This friend left the world from shadow into perfect light, but left a sweet legacy behind for the speaker to remember them by. This perfect light may be the entrance to the gates of heaven, a place where the speaker’s friend continue to live an afterlife to protect and guard the speaker from evil. The friend brought purity into the speaker’s life, and taught the speaker how to look beyond the darkness and into the light. The legacy of the friend would never be forgotten because the impact that they did on the speaker’s life was so captivating and mesmerizing that the memory could not be removed or replaced. The speaker believes that this friend has taught her a lot of things in life and almost believed that everything the friend taught her was beneficial to the speaker. Words like purity, white, graciously and unstained are all words that bring a positive feel and effect to the speaker. Lucy Montgomery writes poems that drums up images and makes you think in a different and angle in your mind. The word choice for this poem is very light and elegant and never aggressive but still brings out the important message the author it trying to tell us. Lucy Montgomery does not use harsh sounding words while describing her friend nor does she use adjectives that make her friend seem like an ordinary everyday person. She tells us clearly that this friend is very

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