My Last Words to an Unborn Son

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My Last Words to an unborn Son Dear Son, By reading this means as you may already know, I am no longer with you. I must first tell you that I am truly sorry for leaving you before doing my fatherly duties. I however do not want you to be sad, as I am looking down upon you from the heavens above I want to see smiles and laughter fulfilling your life. For it is a miracle that I was able to bring you into this world; where my life ends, yours now begins. So I ask father to son, even though I am not physically able to raise you and help you become the man that you are destined to be, to read and understand my last words carefully. These last words will help guide you through life. They are words of expectations, words of your environment, and words to grow your ability to love and respect everyone. So once again my son please read carefully as this is my last gift to you. In this world people will constantly try and tell you what you can and cannot do. People will tell you what you should or should not be. There will be times while on this earth you will feel the pressure of expectations weighing down on your shoulders like a boulder that sits high on a mountain side. I know it will be difficult my son, but I tell you now, ignore it. Do not worry about the ridiculous expectations so many will place on you. Live your life for yourself. I do however ask you to set your own personal goals. It doesn’t matter what goals they may be as long as they provide you with self insurance and happiness. Pick a career path and be the best at it that you can be. But I stress again, pick the path that will bring you happiness; not others. If you choose to be a cook, then be a chef. By living life for yourself you will find that life is much less complicated. Many try to turn life into a popularity contest and that is a joke within itself. In the end, you will be
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