My First Job

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My First Job Many people, when they first start their first job how do you act and what do you do? In some cases people are so scared and don’t know how to act, they are afraid that they will fail. But in some cases a job can be so exciting and fun .It can teach you new experiences in life, and teach you aspects that you never knew about yourself before, you also can learn responsibilities for yourself , like learning how to save money, and survive in the real world . In my case, my first job was with my father I had all those fears and many more see my boss wasn’t someone that I did not know but was with my father. I was scared death that if I did fail I would be a disappointment to him, but not just to him, but to my myself or even disgrace to the families name, see the place that I worked was called Thrasher’s arts studio. It was around my sophomore year and I was asked to help my dad. I worked the cash register, and was his secretary and if a new painting came out I got to pack gage the print. I did whatever I was told. As I got older I got to do a little more things like drive my dad around, and help deliver my grandpas paintings. This job taught me a lot about life and how I am today .I got to interact with many different people and I eventually even got to run my dad’s store on my own, he made me a sales manager for his store called Thrasher’s. I still got to help my dad with Thrashers art studio, but with Thrashers I ran the cash register and got to hire and fire people as I choose to. I learned how to do the book keeping and I order and supplies as I need. I was the boss, he had chosen me to become the sales manager .I got to meet many different people and I learned a lot about the family business. I ran this store until my dad got cancer in 2008 and he passed away. I believe if I did not
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