My Earlist Memory

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Name : Fati Namlegjiu Section : #26 Essay #1 : Final Draft Date : 08.01.2013 My Earliest Memory Most of the people in this world remember very few things from their early childhood, but almost all of them remember an event as their earliest memory. My earliest memory will always be the spring of 1999; for my country that season was very different from other spring seasons. Every day was darker than before; however, at all homes there was a light that brightened the darkness, the light of their hope that one day the sun will come back to Kosova. In that spring season I was staying at home more than usual, because most of my family members were there together. We did different things at home, played games, make conversations, etc. But something was unusual, my parents even thought about the events happening outside, there was something different that made us stay together at home more. Obviously I understood that they were worried about something that was happening outside of my home; however, I was too young to understand what was really happening. One day my grandfather went out to buy something while we were passing the time at home. Later on, when he returned to the house, I saw the fear on his face; something big had startled him. Then he got into the room and told us that he had escaped from police control. He was just riding his bike, when two Serbian soldiers were about to stop him, but my grandfather understood that was not a usual control, and he managed to escape from them rapidly. Namlegjiu 2 He told us that while he was moving away they shot at him twice with guns. Fortunately by the grace of god

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