My Dear Old Friend

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My Dear Old Friend Rudy Died My dear old friend Rudy died, he was my best friend and everyone that spent time with us knew it. We grew up together, him and me. The crazy things we did and the things that happened to us are something to reminisce about in our old age. Except there will be no old age for Rudy. He will not get a day older while I will continue down the path of wrinkling skin, tiring eyes, and failing energy until death takes me in and comforts me in darkness. Yet, the things I remember about him make me laugh and smile! When I first met him he was hair all over, unkempt and badly in need of a shave. Even then he looked like an old man although he cleaned up pretty well. Bath and shave was what he needed and that is what he received. I remember I had to pay $100 to get him out of jail, but that was ok. I knew in time he would pay me back many times over. He had sparkling eyes and seemingly boundless energy. Whenever I saw him, no matter how I felt he would always cheer me up. It was like his energy flowed into me as if he was electricity and I, a battery that needed recharging. Whenever we met, I knew he was glad to see me just by the way he wagged his short stubby tail and the long wet tongue that would snake out from between his teeth, licking me several times before I could put my hand up to cover my face. And he would dance and bark around me until I gave him the attention he believed he deserved. No matter what kind of day I had he would always bring joy into it when I came home. Yes, Rudy was a dog. A six month old cocker spaniel that needed to be rescued and my family needed him to rescue us. He was the runt of the litter; his fur was buff colored and soft like cashmere to the touch; his teeth were not perfect and yet it appeared as if he smiled whenever his lips parted and showed his teeth; and because his tail had been cropped a little too
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