My Christian Identity

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My Christian Identity Being a Christian has meant that I have not always fit in with my peers. One instance in particular sticks out in my mind. I remember it like it was yesterday. In actuality this happened to me often throughout high school, but I remember this specific time more vividly than the rest. I was sitting in my third period English and class had not started yet. There was quite a commotion amongst the students. It was Monday, and the students were recounting how amazing the party that they had all attended the previous Friday night was. They said that it was the most fun that they had ever had. I sat in disbelief. I was not aware that there had been a party. No one told me. I tapped my friend sitting in the desk in front of me on the shoulder. When he turned around, I asked him why he had not invited me. As he stumbled through an obvious lie, the true answer became ever so apparent. He said “I thought you were going out of town this weekend.” I then asked him how he knew I was going out of town. He said, “someone told me by the name of Billy Bob.” Of course I just laughed. I had a lot of friends in high school, and I was well liked by my classmates. I got along with everybody, but because I was a Christian and my peers knew that I was a Christian, I did not always fit in. I did not get invited to a lot of parties. I am not exactly sure what my friends thought would happen if I came to a party; I guess they thought the roof would cave in. They knew that I was a Christian and that I did not drink, so they just did not invite me. As a Baptist, I was raised by my mother and father to be a faithful Christian. I learned how to be respectful and treat my neighbor as I would myself. Then as I grew up, I was faced with difficult decisions in High School not to follow the crowd by drinking, smoking, or cursing. Because I did not do these things, my
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