My Bedroom Essay

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Sitting with my feet up on the bed, I feel so relieved from the heat outside. It occurs to me the favorite place to be is my room. My room is the one place I can be me. I can be perfectly content by myself in this room, or happily laying watching TV with my girlfriend. Most people I know would read, go to the park or even go to the beach when they feel depressed. I can see the rays of the sun fill half of my room. The ceiling fan is partly dusty. Across from where I sit is my girlfriend’s picture hanging on the wall. Next to my bed in the corner is my entertainment center which holds my stereo and pictures. There is only the nice smell of my Givenchy filling my nose. I forget about everybody else but my girlfriend. I’m relaxing, it seems like everything is going my way right now. The only sound I can hear is the sweet voice of my girlfriend on the other end of the phone line. I can hear her calling my name, asking if I’m sleeping. My room is where I feel happy and focus. It is where I go when everything seems to go in the opposite way. Whenever I feel bored from everything in my house I take refuge in my room. I lose myself in my bedroom after stressful day at school and work. My bedroom is the last thing I see before I fall asleep every night and the first thing I see when I wake up. My bedroom is also the place where I spend a great amount of time to do anything I want. Of all places, this is the one setting that is completely my
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