Mutagen Valley Lab Report

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Mutagen valley lab report By:jim allen Analysis questions: question number 1) Before the analysis questions may be answered a review of the five facts and two inferences is necessary. Fact number 1: in order for there to be potential exponential growth in a population the individual must produce at least 2 or 3 offspring. This fact was demonstrated in the lab because in order for the population to maintain its genetic variability and not simply remain stagnant the first generation must not only produce enough offspring to replace itself but to increase the numbers of the overall population. The second fact is : that the population reaches equilibrium when the resources become limited. This was demonstrated in the lab when the majority of the organisms possessed spoon mouths and were therefore unable to access the majority of the resources causing a massive decrease in the number of organisms resulting in an equilibrium of how many organisms could exist with the possible resources at hand. This leads us to the first inference: when the population goes over the envierments carrying capacity the organisms find it difficult to exist and this was obviously displayed among our data indicated by the reaching of an equilibrium. Fact number 3: some traits among organisms are indeed heritable to the offspring and the subsequent generation. As long as there were plenty of resources the mouth trait of spoon continued to persist among organisms this was indeed a heritable trait that continues to be passed along because it enabled all who possessed it to be successful in there given situations. Fact number 4: variability is crucial to the survival of a population. This fact was demonstrated through different mouth and color types, the more crucial of the two being the mouth, which eventually became overpopulated and inhibited the expansion of the population.

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